Thursday, September 10, 2015

Future Project
We visited the school we hope to do a paint project with.  One of the suppliers for the paint needed to be led out to this school which is an hour outside of Maputo.  Maputo is where the paint companies have their offices.

This is a picture of something we would like to work with them on in the future.  We will partner with them on the paint and see how well that works.  Then maybe, with approval, we can work with the floors.

Their part in the partnership of the paint is to install the glass that we will provide, wash and prep the walls for the paint we will provide, and do the work of the actual painting.  In this way, we hope to find a champion, and teach good principles to maintain the paint and windows for the future.  If we can find a champion and they are able to do their part, we can submit other projects for more help needed at this school. 
This is a possible water project
There is a well, a community well, of clean water at the school.  It was being used while we were there visiting.  We have seen it used each time we have been out there to visit so I know there are community members who use it.  However, from this picture, we can see there is much need for good clean water.  These community members are washing their clothes, washing their bodies in the very water they are taking to their homes for drinking and other uses.  Education???  This are needs we would like to address if we can.

Cows being driven on the side of the road
I was so excited to see these cows.  I scrambled to get my camera as the car drove past for the second time.  There are not many cows or cow products.  I am not sure what they do with these particular cows.  There is no sour creme, no cottage cheese, the cheese they have is not like the states.  The milk is sold in shelf life quart or (liter) containers.  They have hamburger and steaks but they are expensive in comparison.  If is is not "CHICKEN" it is rare.  The grocery store we shop at does not sell pork products of any kind.  NO BACON!!!! We have to go to a second store to get bacon or ham or sausage or pork shoulder, steaks roast etc.

We had our first "MOZAMBIQUE" meal prepared for us in our own kitchen.  (You want to have a Mozambique cook, cook in your own kitchen so you can be sure it is safe to eat, cleanliness as we know it and all)  She brought with her Couve.  I did not know what this was.  It is very much like Chinese Cabbage I know as Bokchoy.  She boiled this for about an hour.  She also brought with her ground coconut she ground herself from a coconut.  She brought ground peanuts.  I love the word for peanuts.  It is so fun to say.  Amendoin.  Accent on the last syllable with an "eeeeeeen".  She said she wanted Frango (which is chicken) but used some hamburger as the meat.  Nothing was fried.  All was boiled together with some onions in a thick stew of sorts.  It was served over rice.  We have eaten it for two meals now.  Wish you could try some with us.  I asked her the name of it but she just said Couve, Coconut and Amendoin over rice.  (In Portuguese of course) Her name is Teresa.  She cleans our house once a week for $20 a month.
[Stan] We are working on paint bids.  As Teril mentioned above we are looking for what we call the "champion".  This is the person who has the vision and/or passion for the project.  They see it through.  We are not the champions, because if we step in as such, then sustainability and self-reliance are not taught.  The needs are always more than we will ever be able to provide.  So we strive to find the champions.  

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