Sunday, September 13, 2015

Crazy sunglasses vendor
This man comes to people as they are stopped in traffic selling sunglasses.  He shows his wears by sticking them all over his clothing.  I believe you can buy just about everything from the window of your car while you are driving the streets of Maputo. Who needs to go shopping!!!!!

It is amazing.  Children in Maputo grow up "running the gauntlet" everyday.  They cross one lane at a time and stand in between lanes until the next lane has a little space.

[Stan] We were able to get all the bids in for the Impaputo School project and sent in our PDW.  If it is approved then we can actually do it.  Will keep you updated.  We will be flying to Beira at the end of next week. We will only be there 2 days.  Our supervisor wants us to follow up on a project that was started there with the hospital over 2 years ago that did not go well and we are trying to get a final report and close it out.  Ordinarily, we would not be working that far from Maputo even though we are the only welfare services couple in the country. 
The children are soooo cute!!!  I am wanting to get a picture of the ward's primary children.  Will work on that.  A baby was blessed today in our sacrament meeting and I was so touched by the spirit.  Maybe it was just a touch of missing my grandkids, but the thought that came to me was an overwhelming witness of the power of the priesthood in all the world.  Everywhere, among all people, that power is operating, blessing and protecting the saints who are faithful and those who desire it. Pres. Castanheira, stake president, was attending our ward and after sacrament meeting he approached me and said there was a special stake devotional (fireside) in 2 weeks for married couples and he wants Teril and I to speak for 20 minutes.  I think I can do it if it is all written out.  Will be interesting.  My language is improving incrementally, but it is improving. 

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