Saturday, September 5, 2015

Bogunvia pretty yellowish orange at Garden
Champions from previous projects
These two pictures are taken at the Jardin dos Professores.  This means the  Teacher's Garden.  We have used this great little spot for a couple of meetings.  There is a little library at one end.  There is a fountain in the middle.  You have a great view of the ocean.  There is a play ground for children and this little restaurant.

This is a picture with Elder and Sister Hamilton, a General Authority we were able to have dinner with.  I learned some things I did not know visiting with him.  He and his wife are great people.  He served his first mission in France and later went there to serve as a mission President.  He is a counselor in the Area Presidency over Africa South East.  The couple opposite us are the Kimballs.  They serve in the mission office.

The mission office
Naldo Ujembe , our interpreter

The mission office is a design using ancient African style thatched roofing.  They say it will last 30 years!!!(roofing that is)

Latrine and faucet

This is a picture of a latrine and faucet in a school yard that no longer work.  Latrine is in the back right of the picture.  It has no water as well.  Depending on what support we can get from the community, there may be a possibility there may be something we can do to help.

[Stan]  Below are pictures of a future project.  We have submitted a proposal to repaint and supply glass for windows at the Impaputo School.
The community has replaced doors and are willing to prep and paint walls.  If all goes well we may be able to help with inside paint and desks.  It is hard to imagine going to school and sitting on the hard concrete floor or on the ground outside.  We will get 3 bids for the job and submit all necessary paperwork.  Because of the remote location of this school, we will have the paint store employee doing the bid follow us.  There is no real address to look up and put into google maps.  Once we locate it we can then mark it properly.  I wanted to do that on our last visit, but it did not mark correctly.  So we will lead them out to the school. 

Well in school yard - Impaputo
Outside of Impauto School to be painted

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