Friday, September 25, 2015

Cow meat
[Teril] We were walking home on our street last Monday and saw this truck backed into the store front.  A man was hauling in a quarter of a cow.  We looked and saw this amazing sight.  I don't know how many cows this truck could haul.  It looks like they are halfway done hauling in this meat to the store.  It looks like they lined the truck with cardboard and then loaded the meat from where ever they butchered, hauling it with another lining of cardboard on top to this store.  The street people were laughing at me for taking this picture.  Amazing.
Visiting Castro Deus' in Beira
We had fun with the Castro Deus'.  Bro. Castro Deus was taking the picture.  We went to the market where they sold these carvings in the famous black wood of Mozambique.

[Stan] This couple, the Castro Deus, are from Brazil.  They are such wonderful people.  We were well taken care of on our trip to Beira.  We would not have gone there except for being assigned to check on a previous project there that needed some attention.  Our projects are supposed to be within a 100 K radius of Maputo and Beira is a one and a half hour flight away.

Dug out used for fishing in Beira
[Teril] Isn't this an amazing beach there in Beira.  This is the first time we have walked the beach since we have been in Mozambique.  We saw men repairing  fishing nets next to this boat.  There were some jelly fish that had been scraped out of the net. 

Funny Pine cone 
[Stan] This pine cone was interesting.  You would not want to step on this.  I was fascinated by it for some reason.  It was very stiff/hard and you could be easily scratched by it if brushed it along your skin.

Mateque Primary School
[Teril] This is one of the schools we are thinking of working with.  These are a two windows we are looking at.  The children inside sit on the cement floor taking notes on their backpacks.  The door is in the closest bottom right in this picture.  There is one chalkboard on the walls of each of these rooms 6 rooms.  There are 3 classrooms held outside because there are not classrooms to fit them in. 

They do have a pipe in their yard with running water.

classroom under the tree.
  The teacher had written something on the board and they sat there unattended copying what was on the board.  Aren't these beautiful children?

This is the latrine.  There is no running water to the latrine.

[Stan] We have spent the last few days visiting some schools in the Maputo area.  When we find the community/parents being involved and doing what they can for their children's school, then we are more likely to create a partnership and see what we can do to help.  We cannot build buildings, but there are other things that can be of benefit.  At this school we were able to meet with the local school council made up of parents.  Each school is supposed to have such a council.  It broke my heart seeing the conditions under which these children attend school.  Not sure I know how I would teach is these circumstances, but these teachers do it.  

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