Tuesday, August 4, 2015

As we are becoming acquainted with the area, we have been driving around. In Mozambique, they drive on the left.  I tried to take a video of the drive to send back to our kids.  We did not get a good one today.  I will try again.  Our apartment is in the middle of town so we have pavement of sorts where the cars drive.  There is no parking so cars park two and three deep on the sidewalks. (which are cracked, pitted and sometimes rocky.)

 Not many people use the cross walks to cross the road so among the confusion, you have pedestrians and kids running thru the traffic to cross the street.  School is in 2 or 3 sessions a day so there are always kids of all ages out. Many of the people selling their wares walk in between cars to sell their wares. The divided road has a median.  Cars use that median to park sometimes even 2 deep.  The lanes that would be a one laner in the States have 2 lanes for sure and a 3rd whenever a "Chapa" (Maputo people mover)needs to break into the traffic.  We drive thru near misses the whole time we drive.  Stan does pretty good though.

Tonight, we walked down the road we live on.  My goal is to walk the whole length.  We live on a pennisula of sorts as part of the capitol city of Maputo.  The road is probably 2 miles long from beach to beach. (You can't see the beach from the streets but on the roof of our building you can) So walking thru the pitholes, and gravel and some pretty good sidewalks, we wind our way around the cars that are parked, the vendors that are selling, the kids that are waiting for the Chapa to take them home, the barriers to keep people from walking on the sidewalks, the ramps for cars to go up to the mechanic shop and the little girls flirting with your husband.  The evening is about 4:00 in the afternoon and the sun is just setting, there is a cool breeze blowing, and where there are trees growing, it is shady and cool.  Perfect temperature and this is their winter time.

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