Sunday, August 9, 2015

The three senior couples in our mission
1st Maputo Stake Choir

Matching Capalanas 

This last week we met at the Pres. home to do some training.  This was not our welfare training but some things the President wanted us to know and do.  We have been asked to meet with the ward councils and encourage coordination of the missionaries working with the members.  We have been assigned T-3 and Matola areas.  We had a wonderful time and got a steak dinner out of it!!! It was barbequed right there at their home Brazilian style.  President Koch (pronounced Ko) is seated next to Teril.  Sis. Koch is taking the picture.  Elder and Sister Kimball are on the left.  Elder and Sister Castro Deus are on the right. 

This is the first Maputo Stake Conference ever.  There was a choir created for this momentous event.  Stan and I were a part of it.  We loved the Mozambique flare.  The singers were so vibrant in their voices and in their spirits.  I want to bring them home with me to Springfield.  They would be such an inspiration.  Because most don't have vehicles, when we did practice, it was for hours.  When we performed, we had Mozambique style Capalanas with the guys having matching ties. 
[Stan] This was an historic event being the first stake conference.  The stake was organized in February and they have been working on getting it staffed.  One of the most wonderful blessings was the calling and ordination of the first Mozambican patriarch. His name is Antonio Eugenio Mateus When his name was read and sustained I felt the spirit so strong of the marvelous blessing this will be for the people here.  The Lord knows how to hasten His work.  We need to keep up.
We are still waiting on some training coming from Johannesburg.  We have some homework that is supposed to help us become more familiar with the files, office, and required procedures for recording and tracking projects, as well as understanding the process of selecting those NGOs we decide to work with. 
Teril's computer power cord went out.  We tried to find another one near our apartment but they only had a universal one and wanted $2500 MT which is about $65.  So we went downtown and searched about and found one for 850 MT which is about $24.  I bit better. We have a young woman, a member of the Chamanculo Ward, that comes in once a week and cleans for us.  We could do the work ourselves just fine, but it is nice to let her do it and she works from 8 to 3 and charges 200 MT which is about $5.  She seems very happy with it. 
Groceries are just a bit more expensive here than at home along with most commodities, but personal services are very inexpensive.  Housing is expensive if you want a nice place and we are grateful for it considering the need to ward of mosquitoes and also have a safe place that is clean.  Will have more in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. So great to hear about your experiences so far! What a beautiful people you get to serve. We are so excited for you both! Keep up the great work of the Lord! Let us know if there is anything that we can send to you to make life even better! --sincerely, David and Sandy Cane
