Sunday, August 16, 2015

Well in Seduaba, Maputo, Mozambique

Now, I have a story for you.  Yesterday we went on a visit.  We did not know where we were going.  There are no addresses here.  So we put a guide in our car to tell us where to go.  Even he had us stop along the way and he would speak in Portuguese and ask directions to the Seduaba bairro.  THis is a neighborhood in the wilds of Maputo.  Finally, 2 hours later, we found the Seduaba Bairro.  When we got there, the person we wanted to talk to was not home.  This guide ask when she would be back and they said they could take us to her.  She was walking to town.  Soooo ...we had a couple of boys about 8 yrs of age show us the way.  THey became our guides.  THey took us down paths here and there  and we saw her in the sticks coming to the road.  We stopped and waited for her to find us.  She was an amazing woman who was held in high regard in this neighborhood and was integral in putting in a water well, a hospital, and an elementary school 5 years ago, and this year, in getting water piped to their homes and electricity wired to several homes in the neighborhood. 

Now, do you think we could have found this woman without our guides?  I think we would still be out there wandering around and not have found her.  Isn't it important to have a direction, a goal to strive for, a light to follow?  I am glad we have the Plan of Salvation to know who we are and where we are going.
The faucet of water in her yard

THis is the water faucet they get the water for their home from.  This is actually from a private water service other than the well from the church.

I am sorry I don't have a picture of this amazing woman.  She was about 50 years old, barefoot.  She did not speak English or Portuguese (at least not well).  She spoke a native dialect that our guide was able to interpret for us.  She is such a humble woman but has great respect in her neighborhood.  The hospital/clinic serves about 10,000 families.  Amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if the church has set up for donations that we could ear mark for a certain area?
