Friday, July 31, 2015

This is the baptismal font where 6 people were baptised the day we got here and were confirmed the day after we got here which was Sunday.  THese are some kids that were there at the church after services.  We had no electricity for the first 2/3 of the meeting.  When the lights did come on, they came on first the front lights, then the middle, then the ones in the back.  Then we could play the organ and use the microphone.  RS was held with the Priesthood because it was too dark in the RS room.  RS and Sunday School are held before sacrament meeting because most people are late.  We had about 20 people there to begin with but by the time sacrament meeting was started, there were about 85 people.
THis is a picture of our living area and kitchen
Let me show you our living space and the picture of the hovel in the back of us.

Cute family or families that lives behind us

THis  picture was taken off our back patio area looking down on them.  I hope to take a sister from our ward with me and meet them if that is OK culturally here.

1 comment:

  1. Hola Sister and Brither Peterson. I'm so excited to read about your mission experiences. Thank you for your example. Our prayers are with your family. Much love, La Familia Bluemel
