Wednesday, July 15, 2015

[Elder Petersen]
I am getting used to the "Elder Petersen" title.  We are having a great time here at the Missionary Training Center.  The teachers/trainers are skilled and engaging.  We really are learning new things. 
Our district leader is Elder Webb pictured here.  It turns out that Sister Webb's older sister is Dave and Amy's aunt.  It was fun to discover that.  They are very sweet people and a lot of fun, too.
We have not received any new info or training on welfare at this point.  All the training this week is centered on the "Preach My Gospel" material.  Next week we start the welfare training.  There is a computer program for tracking all the humanitarian/welfare projects in the world.  It is called CHaS.  Don't know much about it, but we will be learning it.  Today we met with a physician at the MTC medical center.  We were briefed on malaria.  We will be using DEET every day on exposed skin and permethrin on our outer clothing.  Also, we are required to take Doxycycline every day as well to kill any malarial parasite that may get into the blood. 
BTW we are fed very well here.  Lots of choices and good stuff. 
Last night we attended the missionary devotional with Elder Benjamin B. Banks, Emeritus General Authority.  Great talk and very inspiring message.  I was impressed considering his age at 85.
I will report more in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. just to clarify...the webb's are Dave's aunt and uncle. Carol Webb is the younger sister of Dave's mom, Diane. They are awesome, fun to see that you met!
