Sunday, July 12, 2015

Saturday was a busy but special day.  It started with attending Deven's baptism.  It was wonderful to have all the local family there.  Afterward, we retired to the high council room where Pres. Petty set Teril and I apart for our mission.  The blessings we received were great.  When the family left he invited us into the stake president's office and we knelt with him in prayer and he prayed for us.  He is a special man.  We felt the spirit there.  Then we went back to the gym and had some fun with Spencer's birthday party.  Nerf guns and fun food!  As we all cleaned up and left it was goodbye time and each gave me hugs that lasted extra long.  Families are so wonderful!!!
Jeff drove us to the airport and we flew to Salt Lake City where the Hobsons (a couple that served in Mozambique and returned a few months ago) picked us up and delivered us to Bryce and Alissa's.  We have had a special time here with their kids.  Also, Jarom and Randi, and Heber and Maria came over for dinner.  Good times.  Soooo,,,, in the morning we actually report to the MTC for our 2 week training.  I admit I am nervous and feel the work we are expected to do quite challenging.  We will need to learn a lot. 

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