Monday, October 19, 2015

Spring flowers

It has been amazing.  When we first got to our apartment, these trees were leafless.  The Ponds said they trimmed the trees with machette's just before we got here so they were bare.  Now just in the past few weeks, the leaves have come out and now there are blossoms coming out.  I was surprised.  They looked like Mimosa trees but these blossoms don't look like that.  The shape of the tree is unique as well.
feminine shaped tree
These trees are planted in the island dividing the traffic in front of our apartment.  I just didn't expect these beautiful trees to blossom.  Spring is wonderful.

We have been "transfered" to attend another ward.  There is a branch that will become a ward November 1.  We have been asked to attend that new ward and support the leadership there.  Pres. Koch visited the ward we were attending and gave it a "clean bill of health'.  Their leadership is doing a great job.  Polana branch (soon to be ward) meets at the Chamanculo Ward building just behind our apartment.  We will be able to walk there.  That will save us driving 20 minutes one way to church each Sunday.  Maybe I can help members who want to play piano now that we are right here.  There were at least 6 people who came up to me from the T-3 ward wanting me to teach them piano.  We were making arrangements but hadn't quite gotten there yet.  (THeir church organ isn't good.  The electrical keeps shorting out and other things. The Bishop is ordering a new organ/piano.)  I have noticed there is a lot of talent but not many musical instruments.  If we were to teach piano, the only piano they could practice on would be the church organ.  I have promised I could dedicate my Sunday only to do church support kinds of things.  We will see how I can help here.  I am sure Stan can be a great support for their leadership as well.
[Stan] There is a former missionary who is a Mozambican that works for the church now handling all the visas and legal work for the mission.  He wants to take some pictures of our projects and prepare a presentation to some of the officials here to try and ease their minds about what missionaries are doing here in the country.  Our job, as welfare services missionaries is not proselyting in nature.  We don't even work very much with public affairs although we can do a few things together.  He is hoping to be able to positively influence these officials to make it easier to get visas.  We will see.
We are having a wonderful time and appreciate all the prayers in our behalf.  We are learning so much and are grateful for this opportunity.  


  1. Pat here...
    It makes me so happy that you are teaching piano in Africa. Mom must be pleased too that her talents (in teaching you piano) have reached that far! :-D

    1. Yep! I get a lot of joy out those lessons your mother taught me. It is amazing what 8 years of practice has done for my life and for soooo many other lives along the way. Your mother was some lady. Sure loved her.

  2. Pat here...
    It makes me so happy that you are teaching piano in Africa. Mom must be pleased too that her talents (in teaching you piano) have reached that far! :-D
