Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Oh my goodness!  Did this video really download onto here????  I have tried many times to download a video and now, I think I have learned how.

This is a short video, not what I had hoped to get, of one of the sisters at our ward wrapping her baby in her capalana on her back.  It is a most amazing process.  As you can see, this baby is fast asleep during this whole process.  I have watched this little one grow in the past 2 1/2 months.  She is such a doll.

Let me tell you what I have found.  THere are many benefits to a "capalana baby holder".  It definitely leaves their hands free.

I thought wrapping their babies onto their back would confine their babies.  The baby would want to get out of that tight wrapping and move around.  The babies would consider this confinement negatively.  I am finding out that is not necessarily so.  I compare the "capalana baby holder" to a swaddler.  A baby enjoys being wrapped up tight.  There is some security in this tight wrap.  I know the baby feels the warmth of the mother's body and can hear her heart beat.  These are all good things for a baby, especially in the beginning.

I was watching one baby,a 20 month old or so.  She was running around enjoying herself during a wedding and then she came over to her mother.  I wasn't exactly sure what she was doing but she crawled between her mother's back and the back of the chair.  The mother wrapped her up in a capalana right there in the wedding ceremony.  The baby loved it. 

 I watched another mother nurse her baby and then put her on her back wrapped tight rocking back and forth in her seat at church and the baby just went to sleep wrapped tight in the capalana.  I have a new appreciation for the "African" way of carrying a baby. 

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