Saturday, October 17, 2015

my dad, grandpa, mom, 2 sisters and me standing on the farm
Memories of my dad, his dad, my mom on the ranch.  My grandpa is holding a fighting chicken.  We are standing in front of the chicken pen at the old yellow house we bought from the Cluffs in Chandler, Az.  My dad was born just 4 miles from where this old yellow house was that we lived until I was 12.

Grassa Machel, first lady of Mozambique. 70th birthday
This amazing lady married Machel who was the pride and joy of Mozambique, leading them to a victory in their civil war over the Portuguese.  He became the first President back in the 70's.  I guess everyone did not like him because he was martyred.  She then went on to grow in her abilities and eventually married Mandel of South AFrica.  Then she outlived him.  She has a special place in her heart for Mozambique, her homeland.  She attended a benefit held at our church in Matola yesterday.  We were looking forward to meeting her.  She is a real champion.  They had a cake and helped celebrate her 70th birthday.

Stop Hunger Now in progress
 Here is a picture of some of the volunteers (Helping Hands being one of them)being instructed on how to assemble the packets of soup.  They have rice, soup mix, vitamin packet and flavoring.  It is a soup mix for 6.  THe first 40 minutes, they had 1500 packets assembled.

We talked to the leader of the "Stop Hunger Now".  His philosophy was good.  He has supporters and those that donate to his cause.  He hopes wherever he does his projects that people will follow the example and give of their time, and their means to "Stop Hunger Now".

It almost sounds like he hopes to inspire people to give 10 percent of what they make to stopping hunger.  Tithing? Fast Offerings?  It is nice to know there are other groups out there who are working for the welfare of Africa.  We have run into several in just the very few contacts we have made.  We look for Non Government Organizations with similar welfare goals to partner with to create projects.  "Stop Hunger Now" was a great example of one.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you again for sharing. It's most interesting to read about what you are experiencing there.
    Love from Missouri!
    sincerely, Sandy Cane
