Monday, August 31, 2015

Look at that flimsy fence

So we just got back from the monkeys and crocodiles.  We went with the elders and sisters on their P day to a “used to be zoo” here in Maputo.  Most of the animals that still here are native to this area.  One of the native animals still there were the crocodiles.  The Elders went and bought a chicken to feed to the crocodiles.  I guess this zoo does not care what you feed the animals.  They were feeding the monkeys too so they would do tricks. 
I started a video of the crocodile eating the chicken but could see I wasn’t in the right spot.  I was in the right spot to get splattered when he chomped down on that poor chicken.  I don’t know what splattered all over me but I definitely need a wash job.  I did get a video of the crocodile gulping down the chicken and sent it to my children.  Couldn't get it on here for some reason.

On the way to the zoo, we saw a young girl about 10 maybe with a sack on her head.  They start them out young here.  How do they balance that thing on their heads?  Amazing.
[Stan]  We submitted a project for approval.  If it is approved we will tell you more about it as it happens.  It is a small one at a school in Impaputo.  Finishing up our "homework" assignment by looking at some other projects.  In a few weeks we will probably fly to Beira for just a day or two to check on the progress of a vision project started some time ago.  It is taking a long time to complete so we are going up there to see if we can get it closed.  Most of our work will be right here in the Maputo area.  It is just too difficult to get things done if we are far away. 

little girl with stuff on her head     

Thursday, August 27, 2015

First wild animal

I saw my first wild animal (mammal) in Mozambique today!  Guess what it was?  A monkey.  It was tethered to a tree and his leash was on his tail.  I hope this picture can be enlarged so you can see it.  I think it was a spider monkey that had been tamed, or at least captured for a household pet.  There was a child standing next to it.  It was in a yard as we were passing by.

Today, we got to go see some wells, some past closed projects.  We saw wells that had not been used for over 5 years, two of which we only heard about.  We could not find them.
We are following the assignment given by Headquarters, (Petersons/Phillip).  We are to study two area initiative projects and one Major Initiative Project.  All these projects need to be closed at least one year.  The one we visited today was the Major Initiative project.  This project covers 20 wells that were either dug new or refurbished 5 years ago.  We visited one well and tried to visit two others today.  We found one well but the other two( as per local info), are not working and were not visible to us.  The well we did visit was also not working and hadn’t for at least 5 years.  This makes us think it never was refurbished in the first place.  We are waiting to talk to the community leader that was left in charge of maintaining the well.  We should find out some answers.  The person we did talk to says he is the vice mayor and the Community Leader we have on record is the Mayor.  We’ll see about that too.
Stan and a hole that was a well once

 I saw the way the extensions go in girl's hair here.  It is so popular right now to take little bits of hair and add extensions to it.  I had no idea how they did this but today, I saw in action the way they do it.  It is amazing.  They take long strands of synthetic hair, maybe 15 in a bunch and double it over.  Now that one strand is two.  Then the hair that is being extended makes the 3rd strand and they braid them together.  Here, I will show you the picture.  Maybe it will make more sense.  It sure does to me.  AMazing!!!

Here's some pictures of the private well and their tanks up off the ground.  THis is how they achieve pressure for the piped water to homes.  It was a pleasure to see them.  They dot the land.