Sunday, November 20, 2016

Miracles, miracles and more miracles

Community Built classroom windows being finished
November 20, 2016
What an amazing week we have had.  The Lord has a hand in our lives.

We have had some big concerns with a contractor we hired at one of the schools we are working with.  He did not seem to be concentrating on doing a quality job or finishing the project at all.  Even though we were still holding his last payment and a inflation bonus too.  We were worried we would have to fire them.  The community was concerned too.

The school principle called a meeting of the school administration, the school committee, the contractor and us.  We happened to have our supervisor visiting us from Johannesburg so we took him with us.  What a wonderful surprise we had when we got there.
Metal doors attached
Holes were patched
The contractors had really been busy doing exactly what they contracted to do.  We were pleased.  The school was pleased.  The community was pleased.  We are hopeful the work will be complete soon.
New tin replaced the rusty one
electrical was being put in, paint, amazing
This picture shows so much of what was improved.  Here, shows the top cap on the tin put in place, the metal beams or joyces painted, the wall smoothed and painted, and the connections of the tin to the walls completed.

New desks were able to be delivered.
We got a bonus of wall treatment because of our supervisor's suggestion.
We were very happy with what we saw.  What a relief to know we can keep our end of the contract and they are keeping theirs.  A real miracle.  Whew!

The second miracle was just as amazing!  We had an Open House the Missionary Activities Committee had combined with the Young Men and Young Women.  The YMYW had prepared an all day event every hour planned for this open house of a new church building in Maputo.  They had been meeting at this building for the past 2 months without water and electricity.  Water and Electricity had just been provided the day before the open house.  Miracles!!The Stake Choir had been practicing for weeks for the open house.  All was set.

We got to the church building at 8 am.  We did not know what was going on.  There were hords of people swarming into this fair grounds of sorts from all directions.  We got behind a truck to plow our way thru the crowd to get into the church parking lot.  The road to the church winds thru this fair like area anyway but with this activity, it was nearly impossible.  That was going in.  Trying to get out later was truly impossible.  They had build a temporary building right on the road designed to give us access to the outside world.  We had to plow thru another way to get out and there were about 5 times more people than I have shown here.

We thought this event would be a detriment to our open house.  However, a new convert came to the open house and said he had an idea.  He went out into the crowd and invited them in to see the open house, anyone and everyone that would come.

Non members came in by the droves.  The missionaries tried to stay up with them.  They said they stopped counting after 1000 visitors.  Everyone changed the way they presented the open house but the missionaries got an amazing amount of referrals.  Miracles.  The Lord is really blessing us.  What a week!!  Amazing!!
crowds rushing to the fair grounds outside Sommerschield 
crowds at the fairgrounds (sound systems)

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