Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Kruger, Swaziland, Beira, and Gorongosa

adolescence at play

In our last blog we talked about our project in Swaziland with Helping Babies Breathe.  It was a great project and we were very blessed throughout the week.  On our drive to Swazi, we got permission to see Kruger Park, which is right on the Mozambique border.  Here are some pictures of Kruger.  We saw many elephants, impalas, and giraffes.  In addition, we saw hippos, cape buffalo, rhino, several fascinating birds, and a lion.  Seeing these creatures in the wild is so different than a zoo.  We loved it!!
Eagle scavaging
lonely giraffe
female Kudu
The hippos were further away from the road, so we could not get a good picture.  But there were many.  The Kudu (above) is a big animal; the male being even larger with large horns.
The warthogs were plentiful; as were the impalas.   

We stayed here after exiting the park.  The next day we drove into Swaziland and spent the week working on the Helping Babies Breathe. 
 Sheri Smith, a nurse from SLC who is specialist with the project is here training hospital staff.
The hotel we stayed at while in Swaziland for the project.  
 One night while in Swaziland there was a thunderstorm and heavy winds.  Nests of a species of weavers were blown out of a large tree in the parking lot.  Amazing how they can weave.  The entrance is at the bottom.
Swazi Village
Helping Babies Breathe crew at our Swazi Village visit after a long day at the training.
Dr. Mike and Joan Madsen, us, Sheri Smith, Elder and Sister Blake (area office), and Dr. Tracey Frandsen.    
 Our next assignment was just 10 days away as the wheelchair specialists from CA John and Marcia Dow arrived in Maputo for a development trip.  They served as humanitarian missionaries here in Mozambique 10 years ago and wanted to visit the same branch where they attended church.  So we took them there.  They had a great visit.  This is the Magoanine Ward now that has split into the Mahotas Ward as well.

We also had a visit with the Ministry of Health representatives over physical disabilities.  From here we were directed to make a visit to Beira.  We had arranged for that ahead of time.  So we flew out of Maputo to Beira Monday morning and spent a couple of days there making contacts with the provincial government to see if they were interested and ready to work with us on a wheelchair project.  It looks good so far.  We will see.
 John and Marcia Dow with Priscilla at the provincial government of Sofala. 
Lunch on the windy beach in Beira at Biques restaurant.  Dows, us, and Sister Wilkins.  She and her husband are the senior couple in Beira.  They are leaving in March.  No one to replace them yet.  Not good!!  We need more senior missionaries!  
The Dows left Wednesday and we took a couple of days to visit Gorongosa National Park.  Wow!  In my humble opinion, it beats Kruger!  You really are out in the wild; just you, your guide and nature.  A great experience!  Here are just a few pics.  Teril has posted some on facebook.
Our guides, Montinho and Castro

Belbill tree.  Huge!

 The food was good there, too.

The area was thick with several palm varieties


 I may be wrong, but I believe these are Oribi antelope
 Nice pool at the lodging area.

 We crossed this river one afternoon, to visit a small village.  The water was low because of drought.  When the rains come and the water goes up, crocodiles will be here.  For now, they stay in other areas.  So they tell us!  We did see some big crocs in other areas of the park.

Yellow Fever Trees.  Green bark.  Beautiful

This picture did not turn out too well.  There were several species of antelope, warthogs, birds in this landscape. 

If I ever come back to Mozambique (which is unlikely) I will want to visit Gorongosa again. 

We are now working in 2 other projects; another school that needs help with latrines, and a clinic in Matola that we will be furnishing beds, equipment, furniture, etc. for them.  We love this work.  And we love all of you. 
Elder and Sister Petersen

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you got a reward after all the training! Yay it looks like lots of fun!
