Monday, July 11, 2016

Swaziland Projects progress

July 4, 2016
Todays visits!  Nompie came with us.  Nompie is the Water Adminstrator of Swaziland. We visited 3 wells. We traveled the whole length of Swaziland in this tour.

The 1st well we stopped at was called Hlabangamehlo which covers 50 homesteads about 150 people.  We passed a group of people we thought were there for us.  They were registering for food with the drought.  
Government crew putting on the hand pump lever

At this well, we viewed the government workers putting in the pump and the wand to pump it with, it being a hand pump.  We witnessed water coming out of the well.  I was surprised we did not have community members there to celebrate the water coming out.  They were all at the food registration.    The foundation needs to be built yet.
Water at last

It was so exciting to be there when the water actually came out of the well.!! 

The 2nd well was called Ncuthu Hand Pump.  This was very close to the 1st well and one we had seen when we visited last time. 
Broken Mthoutela Hand pump
Too many joints Mthoutela

  I am glad they did the pump first so people can get water while the foundation is being finished.  Nompie suggested they let the drain off water go into a reservoir for the animals to drink from a little distance from the fence so there is no contamination.

These pictures show the before and after of the Mthoutela well.  There were just too many joints.  It had been fixed too many times to be fixed again.  The first picture of the refurbish shows the fence around it with a gate being installed.  It looks better.

This picture shows Nompie pumping the water at this well.  We are so excited and so are the people.
Nompie, Water Administrator for Swaziland

At this second well, we saw some of the community members here, some washing clothes and another to get water.  It is good to see the community there when we came.
Water committee

On our way to the third well, we saw the same well we had seen the last time we visited.  At that time, we had Sithole and Mthulie Florence Mamba in our car along with another colleague.  We mentioned this well and the concern that the gate was not closed.  It had a great fence and a lockable gate but it was left open and we could see footprints of animals all inside the fence.  Mthulie immediately called the Water Committee leader for this well.  The answer was that there are people getting water who are not a member of the water community area so they leave it open for them. HUMMMMM!  This time, we saw the same thing only donkeys were inside the fence and the gate was wide open.  The Water committee leader was called again.  She said there were youngsters that had gotten water and forgot to close the gate.  

 These are the kind of  concerns we hope to work out in the Community Trainings.  When we went back by, the youngsters had chased out the animals and closed the gate but I could see extensive animal tracks all over inside that fence.  CONTAMINATION!!!! Scare.
installing the gate

This third well was called Mthoutela.  This is the well that Nompie had mentioned in front of the WASH conference complimenting us for our help in meeting the Swaziland Water Goals for 2022 .  These people at Mthoutela were dancing because they finally had water.  When we got here, there was no more dancing.  The water pump had broken after only 10  days of working.   The same Government workers that were at the first well were here working on the foundation but there was no water flowing from the well.  The draw rods had come lose and it no longer could pump up the water.  Soooo sad.  The government workers did not have the right equipment to pull the top off and find the lose rod.  They said they would come back tomorrow.  
  I am glad for one thing.  The community of Mthoutela all support the well. 

We stopped at a couple of wells along the way that are not the wells we are providing materials for .  Nompie really cares about water for her country.  She was just checking and made notes on the needs she could see.

We appreciate the principles the Swaziland Government holds true. This is why they are a good partner.

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