Sunday, July 24, 2016

Year's review

Triple Date minus Albertina and Brait

(Teril's entry) We have some amazing interpreters that we work with.  These are great women and men, all returned missionaries except one that is on a mission now.  Naldo was our first interpreter.  He introduced us to his brother, Benildo.  Vanessa was our interpreter for a few months before she left for her mission in Brazil.  She introduced us to Jose and Albertina.  Benildo introduced us to Vivaldo.  We have about 3 interpreters at a time.  Naldo, Jose, and Vanessa are not currently working with us.

In this picture, two of the three interpreters working with us now are shown with their dates.  I can't believe we forgot to take pictures before Albertina and her date left.  This was a very successful date night.  I prepared dinner for them (with much of Stan's help) and after dinner, we played games.  Margarita won.  She will be baptized this coming August.  She first took the book of Mormon from our house the second date night she attended. We are so pleased with her desire to listen to the spirit.

Benildo and Vivaldo will be attending the temple this week.  Going to the temple, here, is quite an ordeal.  It takes about 8 hours if you drive it by car.  None of these good men and women own a car.  It cost quite a pretty penny to ride the bus from here to Johannesburg, South Africa to our temple, plus a lot more hours than 8.  They will be there 2 days attending sessions before they return the same way.

We pray our interpreters will each take a righteous mate to the temple soon.  Such good people!!!

This is our one year anniversary in Mozambique.  One year ago, we left the Utah MTC at 6:00 am to ride to the plane.  We arrived July 25, 2015 at midnight in Maputo, Mozambique.  Lots of hours flying, and waiting at airports to get here.  We feel like our year has been very successful.
Impaputo before paint
Our first project was windows and paint at Impaputo Primary School.  Such good people!
Impaputo after paint

We feel like we have a relationship built there that allows us to drop in and see the director whenever we drive by.  It is good to see the maintenance plan in place whenever we drop in.

At one point we saw a window the students had broken.  Titos said the student and his family would be required to fix the window.

At another visit, we saw some desks that had been pulled out of the classrooms to be fixed.  The government wasn't able to replace them so the community of Impaputo was fixing them.

Mateque Primary School before
Inhagoia Desks make a difference
 Mateque was the next project. 
Mateque after
Inhagoia before desks
Inhagoia was a great desks project.  Both these schools have shown signs of maintenance application.  It is wonderful to see the communities involved in the plan.  Mateque finished securing their classrooms for the desks after the project was finished.  Inhagoia labeled the desks so they would stay in the right place and tied them together so they would not move.  Great plans in action.

Mateque book covering
Books received were covered to protect them.  Happy kids.
Happy kids with desks, books, lights, and secured buildings.

Desks at Mateque at last
NRT in Beira and in Swaziland
Swazi water
Beira Vision
Swazi Gone Rural
Five projects were assigned to us as Major projects.  We learned about water in Swaziland, Helping Babies Breath and about a place called "Gone Rural" there as well. 
Machava water and latrines

In Beira, we learned about a major vision project and another Helping Babies Breath.   We have had quite a year. I can't seem to get this posting to let me put the pictures where I want so sorry about the disorganization.

I feel the Lord's miracles around us daily.  I am so appreciative of this time to serve with my Great husband.  I know the Church is true and the Atonement is the greatest gift of all.  I love the feeling of closeness to my Heavenly Father as I search the scriptures and find answers to my prayers there. 

Here is to another great year!!!
Joaquim Chissano
Printer for Helping Babies Breath

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