Wednesday, December 2, 2015

We have had our bout with internet going out.  It is difficult to get our work done without it, not to mention no contact with family and friends.  But then they get it up again and it is OK for a day or two.  Power and water are also intermittent.  Be grateful while you have have it; it may be gone tomorrow!
Thanksgiving was really nice.  Teril wrote about that in the previous blog.  Along with our projects (which I will mention later) we are working on the Christmas Cantata that Pres. Koch assigned us to put together and see that it happens.  It will be performed in 3 areas; Maputo, Beira, and Swaziland.  This is for the missionaries only and they will be performing.  There is good talent here and it should be a nice program.  We will probably only attend here in Maputo, although it may work out for us to go to Swaziland.  We will see.  It seems so strange to be planning Christmas in the hottest part of the year. 
Our projects are moving; albeit, slowly.  That is just the way things happen here.  But we are excited about getting approval on a second project that we have talked about for some time.  It is the Mateque Elementary School (Escola Primaria de Mateque).  I believe we posted some pics of this early on.  The issue we are dealing with now is the drastic drop on the metical; about 20%.  Not only does that make it challenging to budget for projects, but it makes the vendors anxious thinking they will not now get a fair price for the bid turned in earlier.  We have assured them we will be fair and account for that, but it is still difficult. 
Dinner for 10

Recently we were invited by the stake public affairs specialist to attend a dinner for 10.  We did not know what that was, but we were told to come prepared to share some about what we do and about some of the projects that the church has and is doing in Mozambique.  So I prepared some info.  When we arrived at the Radisson there was a very nice set up and a great meal provided.  People from the community leadership had been invited to come and learn about the church.  Apparently this is a common and frequent event (Dinner for 10) for public affairs.  I did not know.  Now that I understand it we will come prepared next time with photos and a better explanation. 
pictures everywhere

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