Sunday, December 6, 2015

Missionary Cantata practice

This is about a third of the total missionaries in Maputo area practicing our Christmas Cantata.  President Koch wanted a special something for Christmas day for these missionaries.  He asked that it not be a "free for all".  He wanted missionaries that could really perform.  That was quite a feat to find someone who could play the piano and who could sing solos since I don't know the missionaries and their talents.  The Zone leaders gave me a list of possible participants.  Wow!  What a great group of missionaries.  The pianist plays much better than me and the singers all took solos and can harmonize from playing their part one time.  What a joy it has been to work with them.  Pres. Koch wanted to make sure the participants were a good cross section of the missionaries from the Zone.  An hours worth of music is quite a feat but I think we have a very spiritual Cantata that will be wonderful for the missionaries on Christmas day.
A few of the participants in the Nativity musical of the Maputo Stake
With only one week of practices, we put on a performance that was fabulous.  Pres. Koch said the missionaries could only attend if they had an investigator and then only for 2 hours.

Let me tell you about this event.  The President of the stake is Pres. Castanhiera.  His wife is the Public Affairs representative for the Stake.  Sis. Castanhiera asked one of our missionary couples, the Kimballs to be in charge of a Stake activity to promote the church, a Christmas Nativity.  Sis. Kimball worked very hard on this activity and was talking to me about it for weeks before I heard anything at the Stake Choir practices.  Stake Conference music took precedence up until one week ago.

Our Stake Music practices last a very long time.  I blogged already about them.  Well, last Sunday, our practice started at 2:00.  I had been called to be the pianist.  Bro. Maia was called to run the music for the Nativity.  (He helped me with the song I sang for my father's funeral in September.)  I did not have the music he planned to use but sat at the piano and played with his music in front of me.  The Stake Choir was asked to sing O Little Town of Bethlehem, Silent Night and Angels we Have Heard, Far Far Away.  Bro. Maia had an difficult arrangement for O Little Town of Bethlehem and some fun things for the others too.  We worked from 2-6:30 Sunday with the announcement that we would practice Tuesday from 6-8 and Thursday 6-8 pm before we performed Saturday, once at 3 and once at 5.  I couldn't believe the improvement we made.  You would have been impressed.  The spirit was so strong.  The music was so angelic.  It was amazing.  One set of  missionaries did bring a investigator.  After the first performance that investigator committed to baptism.  Another Convert was baptised that day and was confirmed today.  We have been sooo blessed.
Sommerschield Primary Sacrament Presentation

Last week, I was asked to play the piano for the Sommerschield Primary.  That was something, never having practiced with them.  Those children sang their little hearts out.  Cute!! Cute!! Cute!!
Teril has told you about the Christmas programs.  There was a wonderful spirit that attended the performance.  You can't help but feel the spirit when you speak, sing, and think on Christ and the marvelous events surrounding his birth and life.  This performance was put on by the stake.

Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and sister missionaries

Teril has mentioned the program she is working on for/with the missionaries.  Here in Maputo it will be performed Christmas Day along with other activities and food.  The same thing is being planned for Beira (which we will not attend) and in Swaziland.  Pres. Koch invited us to go with them to Swaziland next week so we will be there for their program.  I am looking forward to visiting there.  I hear it is a completely different experience.  English is spoken, the climate is cooler and higher in elevation.  We will be there for 3 days. 

We are so excited about getting approval for the Mateque School project.  As soon as it is officially open we can contact the vendors and get the materials ordered and delivered.  When we met yesterday with the school council a couple of them still seemed to be rather reserved or maybe "cold" would be a better description.  As we talked about the project and what is going to happen and when, the president of the council said, "Please do not be offended if we do not seem as animated as you.  We have had other missionaries/organizations come and take pictures and make promises for help, but we never did hear more from them."  I assured them it was really going to happen.  Then we reviewed the principles of welfare and told them that even if no one showed up to give them anything, they could still accomplish anything they wanted as long as they were willing to work together and sacrifice for the good of the school.  I reminded them of what they already have accomplished with little or no help from outside sources, including the government.  In fact, the reason the Church (Sister Petersen and I) were there and willing to partner was because of this commitment we saw in the community.  I think they are starting to get the idea now that they really can accomplish something better for themselves and their children.  We are talking about 1500 students now and will grow to over 1700 next year and they have so little to work with.  We are grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this effort.  It is important for them to see themselves as capable of achievement; being self reliant.  We do not want them to become dependent on outside help.  One of the requirements for our help was to put together a plan to take care of the school property, which includes much of what the church will be helping to provide.  I am pleased with what I see them putting together in maintaining the school. 
My language is improving.  I can understand most of the conversation and am able to get my ideas across all right.  We still use an interpreter on a regular basis, however, because when it comes to dealing with money, products, vendors, time frames, expectations, contracts, etc. I do not want there to be any gaps in the communication.  It feels good to be able to participate in a class at church and know what is going on.  We love all of you and are grateful for your support.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is the true answer to every problem.  Overcoming our own pride is usually the biggest obstacle.  When we do that we can move forward in love and harmony. 
Love, Elder Petersen, DAD, and Grandpa

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