Sunday, October 9, 2016

Review of Projects, Beira Vision, Ricatla, Joquim, Malhazine, Swazi HBB, Malhampswene

Dear family and friends,
We have finished the Beira Vision Project and are pleased to have it done.  Also, we turned in the final report for the closure of the Ricatla School project.(it was cold!!)  We are in the middle of the Joaquim Chissano school project and are pleased with its progress, in spite of the fact that it was delayed for over a month because the community would not do their part.  But it is now happening and things are moving forward.
Ricatla closing ceremony
Joquim Chissano construction progress
We are developing 2 more projects here in the Maputo area.  One is with the Malhazine school to improve their latrines and the other is with a newly built birthing clinic in Malhampswene, which is in the Matola area.  Defining the project, getting the community to work with us, acquiring the bids and arrangements with the contractors takes a lot of time and effort.  And all this before we can write it up and submit it for approval.  But we love the work. 
We will be in Swaziland again next week for the Helping Babies Breathe project.  Dr. and Sister Madsen will be here to do the training along with 2 others they have invited.  We have been working on the arrangements for this for a few months now and it is finally going to happen!
Malhazine Primary School latrine
We will take a detour through Kruger Park on our way to Swaziland.  We will report on all that happens later next week. 
We also will have a visit from the Dows; a couple from California that are working with the church's wheelchair projects.  They will be here for a development meeting with the ministry of health which we have been trying to get set up.  Their trip will include a visit to Beira to view the hospital and see if it will be a suitable location for the project.  We hope to take a couple of extra days and make a visit to Gorongoza Park.  Again; when it happens we will report on it with pictures. 
I was so moved by general conference, as I am always.  What a wonderful blessing to have living prophets and apostles to guide us in these troubles times!

At the Malhampswene Clinic newly built. Left to rt. Vivaldo, Benildo,(interpreters) 

1 comment:

  1. So is that mold on the upper wall of the latrine? When you say latrine does that mean flush toilets? So if the community doesn't want to pitch in and get things better, the project stalls? I notice you have quite a few meetings with the ministry of health. Is there so much for their job, that they are overwhelmed or what exactly do they do? Sounds to me like there are no penalties for not having better health standards like the latrines. That school would have been shut down in other countries. Or is the government there just one big ball or red tape where the left hand doesn't know what the right hand does?
