Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Swaziland Adventure

We have spent the past week in amazing awe at the blessings of the Lord. 
Swaziland Nazarene Health Institute and Elder Petersen
These are the champions that we have been working with since July.  Dr. Ntshalintshali (prounounced Shauli shauli) and Dr. Bitchong at the Raliegh Fitkin Memorial Hospital are two of these amazing people.  We have become friends.  Our training was administered 3 days of last week, Oct. 18-20.  We (the Drs. and nurses from the States and 2 missionary couples)arrived Monday morning.
Dr. and Mrs. Madsen, Elder and Sis. Petersen, Sis. Smith (nurse) Elder and Sis. Blake, Dr. Frandsen

We met them for the first time Sunday afternoon and worked together all week.  What an amazing group of people with so much knowledge and teaching skills.

We spent Monday setting up for the training.  We used the Hospital cafeteria.  That was not ideal but the Nazarene Institute took charge of all the arrangements.  They offered the place the training took place.  They provided the snack and the lunch every day.  They provided the people who became the trainers.  They provided the transportation for the 24 that came from all over Swaziland to be trained by the trainers. They sent out the invitations to all the 32 people who came to the training, arranging for their work places to be filled at each of the health facilities they were taken from.  What great partners they are. 
The first day of training was preparing the 8 trainers.  THe transformation of these 8 was amazing.
training in Cafeteria
They came in as individuals and transformed into teachers.  They did not know much of eachother but after this day, they were knowledgeable friends in a subject of their interests.  These 8 were all from the hospital, some doctors, some nurses and mostly midwives.  You can see the kits the church provided.  There were 3 neonatalie mannequins per table, flipcharts, suctions, mask, ties, manuals.  All these packets had been prepared a year before to give a similar training that did not happen.  No champion stepped forward there.  We were so blessed to find the Nazarene Health Institute.
Teacher Sheri Smith acting the part of a pregnant woman delivering
Neonatalie with chord still attached
 This particular training was centered on what to do in the first minute after birth.  There is a process to follow.  THings must be ready so when the baby is born, you have what you need.  A minute goes fast either way.  Having things in order helps decrease infant mortality rate.  Heart beat, breathing...these are what we are looking for.  Stimulation, suctioning and then masking if needed can increase the chances of successful birthing.  We found out that here, in AFrica, they cut the umbilical chord right away to keep the mixing of blood from mother to child down in case of HIV.  I understand that in the States, the umbilical chord is still in tact until the placenta is delivered to allow all the nutrients the baby can get to be transfered at birth.
All the participants passed their final test with 100 % accuracy on the written and did extremely well on the practical.  Amazing transformation.
Bro. Sithole from the District Presidency of the church
Minister of Health Thembesile Kumelo
 The closing ceremony was good.  We heard from the ministry, from Dr. Madsen, from the church representative and the Hospital Administration congratulating the participants and handing out the certificates.  THere were pictures presented to the administration from Dr. Madsen.  The certificates were well received.  They were each so proud of this certificate.  THey were encouraged to now take this knowledge to the communities around the 18 hospitals and clinics owned by the Nazarenes in the country of Swaziland.

Stan and I along with Sis. Blake assembled the take home kits.  These will be used to train 4 people for every one that was trained in this training.  Dr. Ntshalintshali is in charge of recording the progress of this further training.  This further training should be completed within 6 month so the project can be closed.

Here are some pictures of the assembling of the kits to go home.  Each travel bag has an extra bag within.  There is a Neonatalie and all the paraphernalia that go with her (stethoscope, suction, mask, etc.)There is a big flipchart, 4 personal manuals and wall chart.  Each of the 32 participants will take one of these kits home.

What an amazing training!  What an amazing program. What great hopes we have to decrease the infant mortality rate in Swaziland. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Review of Projects, Beira Vision, Ricatla, Joquim, Malhazine, Swazi HBB, Malhampswene

Dear family and friends,
We have finished the Beira Vision Project and are pleased to have it done.  Also, we turned in the final report for the closure of the Ricatla School project.(it was cold!!)  We are in the middle of the Joaquim Chissano school project and are pleased with its progress, in spite of the fact that it was delayed for over a month because the community would not do their part.  But it is now happening and things are moving forward.
Ricatla closing ceremony
Joquim Chissano construction progress
We are developing 2 more projects here in the Maputo area.  One is with the Malhazine school to improve their latrines and the other is with a newly built birthing clinic in Malhampswene, which is in the Matola area.  Defining the project, getting the community to work with us, acquiring the bids and arrangements with the contractors takes a lot of time and effort.  And all this before we can write it up and submit it for approval.  But we love the work. 
We will be in Swaziland again next week for the Helping Babies Breathe project.  Dr. and Sister Madsen will be here to do the training along with 2 others they have invited.  We have been working on the arrangements for this for a few months now and it is finally going to happen!
Malhazine Primary School latrine
We will take a detour through Kruger Park on our way to Swaziland.  We will report on all that happens later next week. 
We also will have a visit from the Dows; a couple from California that are working with the church's wheelchair projects.  They will be here for a development meeting with the ministry of health which we have been trying to get set up.  Their trip will include a visit to Beira to view the hospital and see if it will be a suitable location for the project.  We hope to take a couple of extra days and make a visit to Gorongoza Park.  Again; when it happens we will report on it with pictures. 
I was so moved by general conference, as I am always.  What a wonderful blessing to have living prophets and apostles to guide us in these troubles times!

At the Malhampswene Clinic newly built. Left to rt. Vivaldo, Benildo,(interpreters)