Sunday, May 22, 2016


This week we were able to get another project approved and will be starting the work in a few days.  It is a smaller project, but one we hope will accomplish our goal of teaching welfare principles and
Escola Primaria 1 de Ricatla

getting the community more involved and willing to support what needs to be done.  This is a school in the Maracuene school disctrict that has about 1000 students that attend in 3 sessions.  (This is common here because of the high number of students for the facilities they have available).  They have one government built building that has an office and 3 classrooms.  They added a classroom made of local material (reeds).  But many of the classes are held outdoors under trees. (Also, very common.)  Maybe next week we will be ready to show you pictures of another one we are hoping to get approved in the same district. 
Local material classroom

We are securing the existing classrooms and adding some desks. We cannot put desks and materials in a classroom that cannot be secured.  Neither can we build new buildings.  They have started the construction of more classrooms, but got discouraged and the work has stopped.  Our hope is that by helping them improve the building they do have it will encourage them and give them hope.  They need to believe they can take care of the problems they have and that they have the resources to do it.  Often, what is needed is just a bit of a kickstart and holding them to the task.  When we find someone in the community that already believes, then our job is much easier.
Desks being used now.  Damaged/broken ones will be repaired by the community.                                                                                                        

Classes under the trees.  Rain?  No classes

Community meeting where we proposed the project and received feedback

Foundation for new classrooms.  Not our project, but we are watching closely to see if they will finish.

Man in center is the director, Celestino Coure
I was asked to speak in sacrament meeting next week.  It will be my first official talk in church; although I have shared my testimony a number of times, prayed and spoken in classes and try to speak Portuguese more and more as we meet with people to develop projects.  It should turn out OK, because I can write it. But I do remember several years ago as a counselor to Pres. Brusman that after one of my talks that I had prepared and had all written out and read, he told me not to do that again.  He said my talks were better when I just got up and spoke with a few notes to keep me on track.  So I never wrote a talk again.  We will see what happens!!

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