Saturday, March 19, 2016

Interesting possibilities

Joaquim Chissano School
[Stan] This week has been a week of possibilities.  We have visited 3 schools; 2 of them with the community members.  At the Joaquim Chissano school the women sang a song welcoming us.  It was really nice and very interesting as one woman chanted and the others responded.  They are in need of more classrooms and thought we were there to build them more buildings.  But we had to tell them we do not build buildings; but we can help fix up what they already have.  A storm took off the roof and we can help with that as well as other materials needed for fix up; also, desks.  Well, they did not seem so happy now.  There was a big discussion about how they were going to get the money to do it.  I told them they needed to sacrifice for their children if they expected them to get an education.  The average number of students per classroom is 50.  We often see 80.  Anyway, the school and community leaders reminded them that this was their chance to get some help and they needed to step up and do their part.  We will go back to speak just with the leadership and formulate a plan.
Ricatla School

The Ricatla school experience was almost identical.  The difference at this school is that they have already started the foundation for 3 more classrooms; but have stalled for lack of funds from the community.  (The government is supposed to provide, but simply cannot keep up.)  They also were disappointed to learn we will not build buildings.  But they have a good start and after the meeting today we believe they will make it happen.  We assured them if they build them we can furnish them with everything they need inside, desks, cabinets, blackboards, etc.  When some complained about the plea for more donations a member of the community leadership asked them how much they spent on a beer.  If they would just for go a few beers they could help build the school.  (Great idea!) Again, we will meet again soon with the leaders and put a plan together.  They think they cannot do it, but they have the resources.  They just need to believe.  Our mission president said something in the zone conference that has given me courage.  (We usually do not go to these conferences as welfare services missionaries, but the couple that does was out of town and we needed to fill in to take care of food and other arrangements.)  He said we should not be afraid to ask people to sacrifice.  We are inviting them to demonstrate their faith and the blessings come by faith.  So now I do not hesitate to ask and expect the people to do their part.  It is so important for them if they are to grow and get stronger.
Machaa KM 15 School
The third school we visited was Machava KM15.  A few years ago the church built flushing latrines for this school, but the well you see here was vandalized and the pump stolen before the water supply could be installed in the latrine and it has never been used.  We have tried to get the city to respond and help to no avail.  Now the well still does not work (no pump) and a storm took the tank from off the top of the tower.  This school has 7500 students, grades 1 - 7.  19 classes can use the existing classrooms; the others meet outdoors under the trees.  I cannot comprehend 7500 students!  They meet in 3 sessions with a staff of 86.  They do not have water at the school.  We will probably expect the community to get the well up and working and we will get the water to the latrine and get them refurbished and working properly.  At least, this is the plan.  We still need to see what our supervisor in Johannesburg counsels us to do with this.  It is a complicated situation.  We have to get  the right people involved and on board to make this work.  We will see.
Talking to the printer for MNC
Holding a darling baby Daniel

We are working on a major initiative called Mothers and Newborn Care.  It will be in Beira (a one hour flight away) and we have been tasked to follow through on the printing of training materials.  Not sure when this project will actually take place.  Still working on that part.  The printer showed some interest in the church that came from reading the Liahona.  He was given a copy a few years ago and wanted to know if we could get him more.  We gave him several that we had in our apartment and showed him how he could go online to get them as well.  We said he really liked Mr. Monson's words. 
The next picture is Teril holding little Daniel.  He is the baby of a young couple that worked with a previous missionary couple in welfare services.  They are interested in making their own organization bigger and stronger; so they have asked if they could help us with our work.  It is an interesting arrangement.  Not sure how things will work, but they are very nice people and gives us an opportunity to share gospel principles with them.
Love all of you and appreciate your prayers in our behalf.
Elder and Sister Petersen, Stan and Teril, Dad and Mom, Grandpa and Grandma

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