Sunday, December 25, 2016

Closing the year of 2016

Silvestre Langa, Paula Jacude, Sister Petersen, Benildo Ujembe (our interpreter), Rosa Baraca, me.
Merry Christmas!  It is a bit late. But here nonetheless.  I will start with an update on our projects.  We are now working with the City of Matola with 2 of their clinics; one is a women's clinic in the Malhampswene bairro and the other is a general clinic in the bairro of Lingamo. (The accent is on the first syllable, but I have not found the insert options for this type.)  These are the city officials and the provincial health people that we are working directly with to furnish these 2 clinics with the equipment and furniture they need to open them.  We are hopeful that the women's clinic will be up and running by the middle of February and the other should be ready to go sometime in March. 
Malhampswene Clinic with Phillip Moatlhodi, Area Welfare Manager

We also have a school we hope to work with that needs several things.  (All the schools need something.  It is not about finding needs.  There will never be enough money to "fix" everything.  It is about finding people who are willing to learn and follow welfare principles.)  This is the Primary School of Eduardo Mondlane in the district of Marracuene in the bairro of Mali.  We are not sure if we can get this one approved and completed in the time we have left.  If we find a community ready to work with us, then it could happen soon.
I few weeks ago we also had a visit from the Maternal and Neonatal Care specialists trying to get a project going here in Mozambique.  Heidi McSweeney and Lisa Anjerwierden were here about 5 days.  We hosted them and we feel like some good contacts were made and it may come about before we leave.  We also had some time to enjoy some good food and a short visit to the beautiful beach at Macaneta. 

Macaneta Beach

Benildo and his girlfriend by our Christmas tree

Stake Christmas program

Sister de Souza and Sister Johnson at Pres. and Sister Koch's home for Christmas Eve Dinner.  Teril cooked and cooked for 4 days helping put this together.  We had a wonderful meal and good times together.
This Christmas season has been a more reflective time for me.  Pondering on the events of the First Christmas and enjoying the read of The Stone Manger.  I recommend it.  It tells the real events of what happened and why. 
I have also been pondering on the many titles for Christ in the scriptures.  Each has a unique meaning and has a way of reaching us in a different aspect or angle.  I have especially been touched by the title of Advocate.  The idea that there is a celestial being that knows me intimately and loves me, that will plead my case in my behalf!  It is most humbling and inspires peace and confidence. 
We will be in Johannesburg Jan. 9th thru the 16th.  It is our annual welfare training.  We also will have the opportunity to attend the temple. 
Thanks for all your prayers in our behalf.  We pray for you as well.  The work continues to move forward.  It is wonderful being a part of it here in Mozambique. 
Elder Petersen, Stan, DAD, Grandpa

Lingamo Clinic

Lingamo Clinic

Community built classrooms, Eduardo Mondlane School
Roof blown off in a storm

This is a picture of 3 giraffes and a zebra we found at a safari parque near Maputo.  Fascinating to us!