Sunday, September 4, 2016

Gatens, Malhampswene, Malhazine

Hello Everyone,
This last week we had a missionary couple from the area office visit us.  They are Elder and Sister Gatten and are the Area Public Affairs assistant directors.  They were here 4 days.  We had planned to have them stay at our apartment, but the first 2 nights we had to take them to a hotel because our power was out.  The last 2 nights they did stay with us.  We had a good time.  Monday we walked the Baixa and Mercado Central.  Then we took them to see the park where all the souveniers are sold to tourists.  You have to really dicker with the vendors, but there are interesting things to see.
 A major portion of what they sell are carvings of all kinds.  Bowls, keychains, wall placs, animals, etc.  There are also many batiks.  These are the fabric wall hangings that are dyed.  I have added a picture of one we bought.
We are close to closing 4 different projects; we just need some information and final reports from people and we can move forward.  2 are in Swaziland and 2 are here in Mozambique.  It feels good to finish and see the final results.  At least the final result of the present effort.  We are most interested in the value of what the people have learned about taking care of themselves.

Vivaldo, Benildo, E/S Petersen
We are considering 2 more projects with schools and one with a newly built clinic in Matola.  This clinic will be principally a birthing center and mother and baby care.  The city is requesting we help with furniture, beds, and some equipment.  We have not seem the list yet and need to discuss more with them before we proceed.  But I think it will move along all right.  It is sorely needed in this community, which is called Malhampswene.
Malhapswene Clinic
This first picture includes 2 of our interpreters, Vivaldo Maraquele, and Benildo Ujembe.  Both are return missionaries and are awesome young men.  Vivaldo served in Angola and knows Colin Montgomery.  We hope to see both of them married before we leave, but not sure if that will happen.  We are pleased to see them dating and taking seriously this responsibility. 
Just a few comments on things we hear from home.  We are mindful of and have fasted and prayed for Pres. Shanklin.  We hope all will proceed for the good in his behalf. 
I understand 2 of my granddaughters are planning a trip to Italy with their school music department.  We are excited for Aubrey and Danielle.  I am also proud of Joe for joining the group of Helping Hands to help the flood victims in Louisiana. 
We love our families so much and pray for you all everyday.  We do feel of your prayers for us.  This work is a challenge; to help in the Lord's way.  But it is the right way to do it. 
This is the Lord's church and it is being directed by inspired leadership.  They are human; the do make mistakes.  And the Lord often allows all of us to figure things out by trial and error.  But there are lessons to be learned along the way.  Faith in Christ will always be at the foundation of it all. 
Love, Elder Petersen, Stan, DAD, Grandpa

(Teril) We bought some souvenirs now we have experienced some of the Mozambique mission.  These things will remind us of here. Can you see the things I bought? Drum, mandalin, gourd rattles, batik.  Stan got the carved giraffe, and the Big 5 coasters in a carved holder.
Masks I want to purchase